Creation Care: Fulfilling the First Commission!

Hosted By: Anglican Creation Care Network

When: Wednesday, Sept. 17 9:00am-4:00pm

Where: TBD

Cost: $25

Join us for the Anglican Creation Care Network's pre-conference to see how in God's first commission in Genesis 1,
He gave us two interconnected orders.

The first was to be fruitful and multiply. The second was to rule over and tend to his creation. We don’t often do as well with that one. However, the Church has an opportunity to lead the way in stewarding creation and, in doing so, point others to their Creator.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)

God gives general revelation through His Creation showing His divine nature and character to draw hearts closer to the Lord that we might fully believe in Him. As we engage people in His Creation and share the specific revelation of Jesus Christ, we are able to lead them into a relationship with Him.

We believe that each of us has a consecrated mandate and sacred trust from God to take care of his Creation. Our hope is that spending time experiencing God and all that He has made helps us to grow closer to God’s heart and concern for Creation. As an act of obedience, we worship God and steward the work of His hands. In this ministry, we have an amazing opportunity to ignite faithful stewards of Creation and draw many to Christ through the hopeful restoration of Creation.

The Anglican Creation Care Network (ACCN) exists to reclaim Christ as Creator by igniting, captivating, and equipping faithful stewards of Creation. Please join us for an interactive and engaging pre-conference, where we will explore the theology of Creation Care and hear about practical ways that individuals and churches have obeyed God's commandment to care for Creation!

Note: Be sure to add the extra nights of housing and meals to your Ridgecrest reservation for the
New Wineskins Conference. You can do so by
emailing them here or by calling them 1-800-588-7222.

For questions regarding this pre-conference, please email Rev. Dr. Mary McDonald , Dr. Gretchen Stokes, or New Wineskins.