Pre-Conference Options

We’re excited to offer a variety of pre-conferences on a number of key mission topics. Each pre-conference is hosted by different ministries. Check out the topics below!

The $25 registration link for these events can be found on the individual webpages below!

  • AFM: Hope for the Unreached

    Join us to hear Anglican Frontier Missions’ cross-cultural workers (CCWs) share stories of the Father’s faithfulness and the Spirit’s miraculous movements in countries considered “closed” to Christian missions.

  • AFM: Reaching Muslims with the Gospel

    Anglican Frontier Missions’ cross-cultural workers, and an Anglican bishop, serving Christians from a Muslim background will share about how the Spirit is blowing across the Muslim world and tools we can use to share Jesus with Muslims here in the U.S!

  • Befriending International Students

    Engage in Global Missions with a hospitable spirit in befriending International Students as a church or as volunteers with an existing International Student Ministry (ISM).

  • Catechesis on Mission: Formed for the Great Commission

    Join the ACNA's Catechesis Task Force and the Robert Webber Center at Trinity Anglican Seminary to learn about the ministry of catechesis and its vital role for mission, both at home and abroad.

  • Creation Care: Fulfilling the First Commission!

    The Anglican Creation Care Network's pre-conference will focus on the theology of Creation Care and it's practical applications.

  • Persecuted Church: New Opportunities for Advocates

    This pre-conference will inspire and educate you on new ways to fight and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in the faith.

  • (SAMS) Hope for the Nations through Relationships with the Global Church

    Discover how you or your church may encourage the church around the world in making disciples of Jesus across cultures through this interactive roundtable with global Anglican leaders and SAMS missionaries.

  • (SOMA)Spiritual Gifts: How God's power works through you for evangelism.

    Archbishop Miguel Uchoa teaches the significance of living out spiritual gifts in a Biblical way.  He breaks down misconceptions of the Holy Spirit and illustrates how God empowers you for Kingdom work.

  • Developing Missional Leaders

    Join the Always Forward team for a 24 hour event of training and dialogue where we will look at how to multiply missional leaders through the work of church planting.

  • Interceding for Others: Creating a Lifestyle of Intercession

    A one-day pre-conference practicum on selflessly and effectively bringing before God's throne the needs and petitions of others in such a way that you yourself grow in closeness to the Lord. Presented by the Christian Healing Institute.

  • Plug Into the Power: Healing in Missions

    Learn to access your delegated authority, and pray with power and confidence for physical, inner, and spiritual healing.

  • The Gathering

    Hosted by Matthew 25, This pre-conference is to provide soul care and networking for Anglicans doing justice and mercy work.

  • Caminemos Juntos

    Coming Soon!

  • Human Trafficking

    Coming Soon!

  • Every Tribe & Nation Initiative

    Coming Soon!