Travel Information

Below we have gathered information that will be helpful in making your travel plans to and from New Wineskins 2025, as well as frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the information you need or if you have further questions that are not answered on this page, please contact us.

1 Ridgecrest Dr, Ridgecrest, NC 28770

Please note: Physical address does not work in all GPS systems and mapping programs; please use the turn by turn directions provided below.

1. From Interstate 40, take Exit 66 (Ridgecrest). 
2. Turn left (if traveling east) or right (if traveling west) onto Dunsmore Avenue and go to the stop sign. 
3. Turn right onto Old U.S. 70 and go 1 mile.
4. Ridgecrest is on the left.


The first plenary session of New Wineskins 2025 is at 7pm on Wednesday, September 17th. However, we encourage you to come early to relax or join us for an engaging Pre-Conference! If you are interested in advanced training in a specific area of mission, a Pre-Conference may be perfect for you.  Check out the available Pre-Conferences on our Pre-Conference Options page! If you are not able to attend a pre-conference, we recommend arriving on campus no earlier than 3pm, as that is when check-in opens for housing reservations through Ridgecrest.

When you arrive on campus, head inside the building with "Ridgecrest” on it to check into your housing, and receive your meal tickets. Then a volunteer will guide you around the corner to check-in for our conference (name tag, t-shirt, etc.). You can then drive up to your housing accommodations to get settled, rest a bit, and then eat dinner before the first plenary session. Please note that reservations with Ridgecrest are separate from your New Wineskins Conference registration. Please click here to see housing options and information about meal tickets.

Arrival Information

The conference officially ends at noon on Saturday, Sept. 20th. You must be checked out of your room by 10am. Checkout by simply leaving your room keys in your room. Lunch is not included in our standard package, but you may add a Saturday lunch ticket to your New Wineskins conference registration here, if you wish. You could also add the South East Asia VI Symposium! That ticket includes registration, a special lunch on Saturday, and a reception. Click here to learn more!

Departure Information

There are several airports within driving distance of Ridgecrest. We recommend you fly into Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) which is the most convenient; only about a 30 minute drive. Other options are Greenville–Spartanburg International Airport (GSP) in South Carolina (1.5 hour drive) and Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) in North Carolina (2 hour drive).

Please note that we are not able to offer transportation!

For Asheville Regional Airport (AVL), we recommend the following options:

  • Rent a car—We recommend renting a car at the airport. This may be the cheapest option for you.

  • Coordinate with others—Do you know someone with whom you can coordinate plans? You can also post a request in our Facebook Community Group here.

  • Contact Ridgecrest to receive a list of taxi’s and shuttle companies they recommend. Ridgecrest can be reached at +1(800)588-7222 from 9am-4pm Eastern Time on Monday - Friday or by email.

Airport & Transportation Options

All international attendees in need of an invitation letter must complete the following steps before registering for the conference:

  • Contact a staff member here for access to the International Request form.

  • A recommendation letter from your Anglican Bishop emailed to staff.

  • Once both of these steps are completed, and you are approved based on the information provided, we will issue you an invitation letter. You can then register under the International Attendee ticket, reserve your housing/meals, and set-up your transportation.

    We understand the extra complications that come with traveling internationally. So, we have created a ticket for our international attendees that does not change in price! No need to worry about the price rising as you make your plans.

Please note that we do not have bursary funds to offer. You are responsible for all finances needed to attend the conference.
Our intercessors are praying unceasingly for provisions over our global brothers and sisters so that we may worship together!

Visa Invitation Requests