Ads & Exhibiting Information
Dozens of organizations will be exhibiting at New Wineskins. Whether you are reaching out to your neighborhood or city or to the farthest ends of the globe, there are resources, training and partnerships that you will need to make your mission efforts more effective.
What do I need to know about exhibiting at New Wineskins?
There are two types of exhibitors.
The first are Anglican Global Mission Partner (AGMP) members. They are a group of over 50 mission agencies, ministries, dioceses, churches, theological institutions and missionary partners.
The second are regular exhibitors who submit an application and receive approval to register their table at regular rates. We consider all exhibitors to be partners of New Wineskins in global mission!
There are 5 spaces to exhibit.
Choices are the main exhibit hall, lobby heading into the main hall, hallway outside the main hall, our program book for printed ads, and digital ads that show in the auditorium. Pricing varies based on space, table size, and exhibitor type.
AGMP Prices
Full Table in Main Hall $800
Half Table in Main Hall $500
Regular Prices for Lobby and Hallway
Map of Exhibit Hall
Regular Prices
Full Table in Main Hall $1,200
Half Table in Main Hall $700
Full Table in Hallway $900
Half Table Hallway $500
Full Table Lobby $1,500
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Program Book & Digital
Ad Options!
Program Book & Digital Advertisements
*You do not need an exhibit table in order to purchase advertisements but we do require an application be submitted.
*If you have already been approved to exhibit, you do not need to re-apply for advertisements.