Expand Your New Wineskins Experience with a Pre- or Post-Conference!

Coming early for a pre-conference or staying late to attend a post-conference gives added value to your investment of time at a New Wineskins Global Mission Conference. Pre-conferences were first introduced at our 2019 Better Together conference and were a big hit with dozens of ministries collaborating to co-host 20 different offerings. At the One Mission Conference in 2022, we hosted 22 pre-conferences on topics including Human Trafficking, Reaching Muslims, Disabilities, Persecution, International Student Ministry, Healing, Academia as Your Mission Field and Moving Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission!

These pre- and post-trainings allow participants to go deeper into a topic of particular interest with the end-goal of practical equipping and ideas for next steps versus just information downloads.

These trainings can be as long as three days and as short as half a day and conclude before dinner on opening night of our main conference. New Wineskins encourages multiple ministries to join forces to offer these events so that participants can get input from a variety of perspectives on a particular area of mission.

Many of these pre-conferences have led to the creation of new mission networks! New Wineskins currently has six official mission networks which focus on mobilizing for action on an on-going basis around a particular area of missional concern. If two ministries have an innovative idea and want to partner to co-host a pre-conference, we would love to help make that happen! If any of our pre-conference hosts are ready to keep going and start an official mission network, let’s talk!

Our post-conferences started 17 years ago when the Diocese of Singapore approached us to offer a South East Asia Symposium as sort of a sister event to their Singapore Roundtable held in Singapore. The deans of the six country regions, overseen by the Diocese of Singapore, lead the post-conference to share the amazing work that God is doing as they seek not to just plant churches, but to plant dioceses in Nepal, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Next fall, participants will get to hear about the newest deanery launched in Timor-Leste! We’ve had many attendees say that the South East Asia Symposium was their favorite part of their New Wineskins experience!

One idea for 2025 is to have your group stay overnight on Saturday and spend some time together as a sort of private post-conference to debrief and pray into how God wants to use your own New Wineskins experience to help you engage in what He is calling you to do when you return home.

Take time to hike a mountain trail or sit in a rocking chair in the sun. Check back to the pre-conference page often as we’ll be adding more offerings as we go along. The Ridgecrest online housing and meal link allows for reservations starting Sunday, September 14 and going all the way through Monday, September 22. So, come early and stay late to maximize your missional formation opportunities at the 2025 Hope for the Nations Conference next September!


2025 New Wineskins Global Mission Conference: Hope for the Nations Registration Opens